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Vinegar as preservatives

Vinegar is a type of carboxylic acid which contain a carboxyl group. Vinegar is also called acetic acid or ethanoic acid which is CH3COOH. Vinegar is normally used as a preservatives on certain foods including chopped garlic, garlic cloves, sun dried tomatoes, chili, ginger, eggplant, capsicum, mushrooms and various mixtures of the above foods and similar food. Vinegar preserved food

Vinegar is a type of acid which enable food that is soaked in it, the food’s water content will flow according to the water potential. When water potential is very low outside of the food, the water content in the food will flow outside of the food. In this way, microorganisms will not consume or stay inside the food as there is no water in the food.

This type of preservative will make lengthen the food storage period. The downside of this method will be- the flavor and smell of the food will be damaged. They will no longer taste like the original food while they taste like vinegar due to long period soaked in vinegar.

Vinegar can be obtained either by small amount in our house or it can be manufactured in large amount in factories. In these days, all the products made by factories are being ‘chemicalrise’ which means all those consumed products are being added preservatives, food flavoring, food coloring and lots of other chemicals to make the food looks interesting and last longer. People nowadays tends to make their own food including vinegar to consume vinegar in a safe manner and to reduce the risk of getting cancer. Vinegar can be easily being produce by ourselves! Isn’t it a very surprising news? Vinegar can be produced by 6 steps easily.

1st step-Get some acetic acid bacteria which converts ethanol to acetic acid. After that get some alcohol.

2nd step- Pick a right container. Before inserting these ingredients into the container, sterilize it.

3rd step- Pour the acetic acid bacteria into the container carefully. Oxygen is needed to convert alcohol to acetic acid, so ensure as much liquid surface area as possible. Fill the container up to its widest point.

4th step-Add the alcohol into the container.

5th step-Tighten the opening of the container by using a piece of cheesecloth( Clothes that have big holes) to allow oxygen to enter.

5th step- Wait. This step consumes the longest time. It takes about 3-4 weeks. Store this mixture in a dark cupboard and a temperature range of normal room temperature between 15- 27 degree Celsius.

6th step- Stain out the vinegar by using the cheesecloth. Separating the mother, which can be used to make more vinegar.

Follow these few steps to obtain self made vinegar.The secret of good vinegar production is to control this natural fermentation. The vinegar “mother” or bacterial culture that is used is passed along from one batch to the next, often for generations, similar I suppose to a sour dough culture or yogurt. By proper growth controls and aging, the raw, sharp bite of acetic acid can mature into a rich, sweetly-tart and invaluable cooking staple. A world without vinegar would be a far, far blander place. No ketchup, mustard, dill pickles or any number of other sauces, chutneys, and dressings.whitemother

Nowhere is the production of vinegar more controlled than in the Region of Modena, Italy, where traditional balsamic vinegar is produced. The sugary Trebbiano grape undergoes an initial yeast fermentation to produce alcohol, and then the vinegar mother is added. This vinegar is aged to perfection for a minimum of 12 years in casks of varying woods such as juniper, ash, cherry, and oak. These casks are often ancient and the flavouring they impart to the vinegar builds the complex aroma that good balsamic is famous for. The casks must be stored in spaces where the effect of seasonal weather changes causes the bacterial culture to “sleep” in the winter months and be active in summer. With each year, the vinegar becomes more concentrated, more syrupy and richer in colour and flavour, until the perfumy elixir is finally fit to emerge.


Benifits of Vinegar

Effects on Cholesterol

n a 2008 study published in the “Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences,” rats that had apple cider vinegar included in their food for four weeks had lower “bad” cholesterol levels than rats that didn’t have any vinegar. Rats that had vinegar were also more likely to have higher levels of the “good” cholesterol that helps clear excess cholesterol from the body. This is a significant finding because having lower unhealthy numbers reduces heart disease risk. Diabetic rats also developed lower triglyceride levels when they consumed apple cider vinegar, which is beneficial because high triglycerides are another risk factor for heart disease. Still, the study was limited to rodents and similar research would need to include human participants to confirm its benefits.


Influence on Diabetes

According to a “Diabetes Care” study published in 2004, participants who drank an apple cider vinegar concoction with a buttered white bagel and orange juice had lower insulin and blood sugar responses than when they had the meal with a placebo. Pre-diabetic patients were most positively affected by drinking the vinegar. Researchers concluded that having apple cider vinegar may help reduce diabetes symptoms in diabetics and reduce pre-diabetics’ risk of developing diabetes in the future.



Weight Loss Potential

According to a 2005 issue of the “European Journal of Clinical Nutrition,” drinking vinegar with a meal may increase your feelings of fullness. Study volunteers were split into a group that ate about three slices of white bread by itself and groups that ate the same amount of bread with varying doses of white vinegar. Participants who drank the most vinegar were more likely to have a suppressed appetite 30 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes after they ate. This showed researchers that drinking vinegar may help cut down the amount of calories you eat, thus aiding in weight loss. Although vinegar supplements are popularly used for weight loss, research on vinegar and weight loss is still in its infancy. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains is still considered the best way to lose weight, according to


Risky Effects

Drinking a small amount vinegar isn’t likely to harm you, but it is highly acidic and may cause problems such as tooth enamel erosion and throat irritation, warns It may also interact poorly with certain medications and supplements. For instance, if you drink vinegar regularly and you take a diuretic or insulin, you may experience dangerously low potassium levels.


Vinegar can be used as cleaning reagent other than preservatives.Because it is acidic, it can dissolve mineral deposits.Vinegar can be used for polishing brass or bronze. Vinegar is widely known as an effective cleaner of stainless steel and glass.

Before & After Heinz Vinegar Cleaning